Calamba : Business Administration & Accountancy
The School of Business Administration and Accountancy is one of the premier Colleges of the University. It is primarily tasked with the development of business professionals, entrepreneurs, and accountants.
Lamberto B. Reyes, MBA
Dean, College of Business Management and Accountancy - Calamba
College of Business Management and Accountancy
The College of Business Management and Accountancy offers rigorous and values-based business programs that give students the tools to advance their personal and professional growth as capable managers and leaders. Our students get experiential education in different aspects of business through authentic projects inside and outside the classroom. We prepare students to make responsible decisions based on analysis, strategic thinking, effective communication, an understanding of accounting and business practices, technical competence, and an ability to respond to the current and future needs of the business world.Courses Offered
BSBA in Marketing Management
BSBA in Human Resource Development Management
BS in Accountancy
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Career Opportunities
Our Management students are members of JEMS- Junior Entrepreneurs Managers Society and Council of Business Students in Region 4-A COBS-4A. The Accountancy students are members of JPIA-Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants. Formerly our student leaders occupy the positions of President and Treasurer of COBS4-A. The Deans is a member of Council of Deans and Educators of Business in Region 4-A CODEB.