Top College-Pharmacy-Medicine-School-Philippines

College of Pharmacy

top school college of pharmacy Philippines
The world of health care presents vast opportunities for growth, success and fulfillment. It offers innumerable ways for a person to advance in his career. If you like chemistry, biology, and mathematics and passionate about finding cures and preventing diseases that plague mankind, then a degree in pharmacy may be just for you!

Big benefits, premium pay, flexible working environments, and job security are among the few reasons to consider such a rewarding career like pharmacy.

Top College-of-Arts-and-Sciences Dean Philippines

Ma. Victoria E. Mendoza,RPh., MS Pharm
Dean, College of Pharmacy

874-8515 local 654

Program Offered

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

The Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy program provide student-centered, patient-oriented, well-rounded pharmacy education through a wide range of subjects which blends science, health care, patient contact, computer technology, and business to develop students who are capable of giving outstanding pharmacist care to their communities, the nation, and the world.

The College of Pharmacy is known for producing graduates who consistently place higher than the national average on national licensing examinations. Our highly experienced faculty, dedicated staff, wide network, and practical training all work together to create a distinctive, immersive, and supportive academic environment to guide students toward successful and sustainable health care professions.

Pharmacy graduates can work in community drug stores, hospitals, pharmaceutical research companies, nursing homes, public health agencies, and in the academe. As medication experts, pharmacists are consistently ranked as among the most highly trusted professionals for the competent customer care and personalized service they provide.

Career Opportunities

10-Star Pharmacist

Practicum Affiliations