Molino: College of Arts and Sciences

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Top College-of-Arts-and-Sciences Philippines
The College of Arts and Sciences UPHSD-Molino Campus is a four year program which leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts: AB in Communications and AB Psychology.

Lara A. Maguad, Ph.D, RP, RPm, CCLP
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences - Molino

(046) 4770602 Loc 146

College of Arts and Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences at University of Perpetual Help System DALTA provide students with crucial skills that help them launch successful careers in mass media, health care, and other fields.

Courses Offered

Bachelor of Arts in Communication

The A.B. in Communication program offers an intensive four year specialization in either broadcasting or journalism. The curriculum is prepared to meet the needs of broadcast and print media industry. The program provides the students with training in communications as an art, as a science and as a service to the community. It teaches the ethical significance of, as well as the responsibility involved, in the use of print, radio, television, audio- visuals and film.

The Department of Communication recognizes the multidimensionality of human intelligence and aspires to educate future media practitioners who are deeply rooted in religious faith, Christian values, and professional competence.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology as a discipline and professional practice contributes to national development through basic and applied research and interventions aimed at solving problems and promoting optimal development and functioning at the individual, family, group, community and national levels.

The study of Psychology adds vertical dimension to the lives of students by deepening their knowledge of themselves and that of other people. It is a compelling field of study because it deals with topics that can be applied to everyday life. The educational, industrial as well as the clinical exposure the students undergo during their practicum or on-the-job training will prepare them to be effective workers in the helping profession.

Bachelor of Arts in Multi-media Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting

Why study an Arts and Sciences in Perpetual Help?

Facilities and Equipment

Affiliations and Memberships

For A.B. Communication, Multi-media Arts, Journalism, and Broadcasting

For A.B. Psychology

Career Opportunities

For A.B. Communication, Multi-media Arts, Journalism, and Broadcasting

For A.B. Psychology