
Current Students

Student Life

Perpetual has top-notch academics, but that's not all. Life at Perpetual is full of opportunities for growth and recreation.


University of Perpetual Help System DALTA offers undergraduate, graduate and short term programs.

Online Services

Online tools and services for students and faculty.

For Students we have Online Balance and Grade Inquiry, University Library System and access to EBSCO server. For Faculty we have Online Grades Encoding & Academic onLine Teacher Assistance.

Perpetual News

Know the hottest news around the campus on Perpetual News.

We also encourage our students/alumni to share thier own scoop, literary works and success story (alumni).

Financial Aid

Scholarship programs of different kinds such as Dr. Antonio L. Tamayo Community, Study Grant Program, Alta Scholarship For Athletics, Co-Curricular Scholarship and Entrance Scholarship are available to deserving and qualified students of the university.